Stephen Kain is an SEO expert with If you would like to tap into his Expert SEO Services or if you are in need of Local SEO Services, contact him at (888) XPRT-SEO. Article Source: |
Jan 09
How Do I Get My Site to the Top of Google?
By Stephen Kain
Seeing your website listed at the top of Google is the holy grail for most site owners. Instead of paying for advertising, you can get excellent free traffic by getting your site listed on Google's first page of results.
Of course, that's easier said than done. There are numerous search engine optimization (SEO) strategies. But one of the best, if not the best, is article marketing. The advantage of article marketing is this SEO strategy can quickly build up your back links - and back links are the #1 most important factor in your search rankings.
Article marketing is not a new SEO technique, but there are some SEO companies that add their own spin on it to give you more bang for your buck. Regardless, article marketing is one of the first SEO strategies you will see recommended when you are searching for tips and tricks. The principle is simple. Create an article relevant to your business and submit it to online article directories. Each article will contain two back links to your site. Webmasters searching for free content will grab those articles from the article directories and put them on their own websites - leading to free back links for you.
One mistake some people make is not being consistent with their article marketing plan. To maintain and improve your SEO rankings, you have to continually submit new articles to the various article directories. If you enjoy writing or want to save money, you can do this yourself. However, another option is to outsource the writing. You can just outsource the writing and do the article submission yourself. Or you can hire an experienced SEO firm to handle the entire process for you.
One other trick is to write variations of each article. This can be a little more time-consuming but is well worth the effort. If you submit the exact same article to every article directory, then you will end up with dozens (or hundreds) of copies of the same article all over the internet. The search engines prefer to see dozens of different articles pointing back to the same site.
Don't let your site become a victim of poor traffic. Too many times a well-designed website sits unnoticed by customers because of poor search rankings. Article marketing is an excellent SEO strategy to help remedy that. If you don't feel you can write the articles yourself, hire someone to do it. Unlike other SEO strategies, article marketing yields results in just a few weeks. Once you see the results, you'll be hooked and submitting more articles as fast as you can write them.
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