What does it take to become successful online? A good question but few people have the answer. Every year millions of people declare that they are going to make their living online. However 98% of them fail. Why? They do not have a plan and they do not understand Internet Marketing. Anyone can have someone build a Web Site and get them online, but they have no idea how to create traffic. You can have the best product, site, or service but without customers you WILL FAIL!!!
Before signing up for any business venture you have to research. Ask yourself these questions:
1. What type of business do you want to be involved in?
2. Who will be your prospective customers/clients?
3. How will you reach customers/clients and have them visit your website?
4. Do you have the resources and knowledge to succeed?
First you want to be involved in a business that you are interested in. If you are new to the internet find yourself a mentor! Search for a program that is friendly to new people (newbies). Get involved with one that will teach you Internet Marketing. Make sure the business has the resources for you to become successful. When I was a newbie I joined a program and my sponsor promised me I would succeed. After I joined and paid I never heard from my mentor. I was stuck in a program without any guidance and I suffered. But I did not quit I found a mentor and started learning the internet ropes. I joined a business called LWS Freedom.. Before I joined I actually talked to a mentor with LWS Freedom and he gave me an hour 1/2 of his time for free. He answered the questions I listed above and also many others. The key is once you understand how Internet Marketing works you can apply those skills to most online business programs and succeed. Here are a couple of tips for all of you newbies out there:
1. Write articles. Search engines love articles. You can do this for free and get yourself known. By writing articles with good information other sites will use these. Make sure that you include your link for your web site.
2. Use free classified ads. You can post your ads in several online classifieds for free. Examples are backpage.com, craigslist.com and usfreeads.com.
3. Set up capture pages and give something away for free. For example give away an e-book, software, or other useful information. This will encourage people to give you their information on your capture page. This will enable you to create a opt-in list of people who are looking for business opportunities.
4. Try using safe lists. This is where you can send out an e-mail ad to hundreds or even thousands of people who are looking for opportunities for free. A good one to use is Adtactics.com
5. Last but not least find a good mentor. Even if you join a business that teaches Internet Marketing you will want a personal tour guide through the learning process. Someone that can help you get a marketing plan of action organized. All of this information can be overwhelming at first. When you have a mentor they can answer your questions and help you learn from their mistakes.
Well I hope this information has helped you out. If you have any questions email me at pjragle@gmail.com
Paul Ragle is a up and coming Internet Marketer and Mentor
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Paul_Ragle
Mar 22
Internet Marketing Guide to Success
Internet Marketing
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