
How to Market Yourself and Your Products

By Graeme Pearce

Marketing is a subject that has been covered by a lot of people since the start of time. We all know how incredibly extensive the subject can be. But I do want to point out a few things that you need to recognize when marketing yourself and your business online.

Marketing doesn't have to cost a fortune! But advertising can become quite costly. There is a difference between the two.

When marketing your business there are a few things that should be brought to light.

You need to recognize the fact that traffic is your ultimate goal. Without traffic you have no business.

More importantly, you need to be able to sell to that traffic once it lands on your website. That's where you need to be a SUPER Salesperson. I know you don't want to be a salesperson, other wise you would be selling cars. Right?

The fact is you have to sell something for people to buy other wise you don't make any money. Simple.

But how you acquire that traffic is just as important. We all know about Pay Per Click but to be honest, I feel it is all a bit overrated and can become quite costly for a small business. Don't misunderstand me, there certainly are effective ways to use Pay Per Click, but it's a skill that needs time and money to perfect and then the rules change.

You best efforts should focus on providing quality content and useful information related to your niche' market. Once you do this, the search engines and other websites will pick up on this content and start indexing your web pages rapidly -- referring people to your website for FREE. Now that's more like it.

More importantly... When that traffic gets to your website they sign up to your mailing list. So your website should only have good content and an optin form. No other ads or links that will take that traffic away from your website. Just an optin form for them to get more great content from you That's where you'll really make the sales. By selling your list products that they want time and time again. That's another subject again.

To get that traffic to your website you should immediately begin writing creative, interesting articles relating to your niche' but don't give away all your secrets, leave them wanting more and then send them to your website to get more of what they want. Once you've written an article, you can submit it to hundreds of article directories and gain valuable links back to your website for free. There are a number of great places to learn more about writing and submitting articles.

There are a number of courses on the market that do an excellent job at teaching you how to market your business exceptionally well. These courses are written by expert marketers and have created MILLIONS of dollars in sales for many businesses. If you'd really like to jumpstart your sales, you should check one out.

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Nice blog, Nie articles ..

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