By Gradyne Hunt
Learn how Internet Marketing works by using techniques of bum marketers. The term "Bum Marketing" was coined by Travis Sago for his interpretation of article marketing. He professes that the method is so easy that even a bum can do it.
The concept is to write articles with well written content that assures the interest of the reader and bring into play relevant keywords to promote a product that you choose to market. You do not need to own the product; you simply sign up to become an affiliate for that product. You are the advertiser, promoter, and the marketer. You advertise, promote and market your product of choice using the bum marketing method. The beauty of this method is that it can be accomplished for free. No sign up fees, registration fees, or submission fees are required.
The first step would be to choose a product you wish to promote. Limit your choice to a subject that you are familiar with, or at least to one that interests you. Research your product on the internet and become somewhat of an expert on the usage of and benefits provided by this product.
Choose and extensively research the keywords relevant to your product. Use the keywords in your article title and again scattered in the body of your article. Being creative, informative and being sure to use unique content create an article of approximately 400 words.
Your intent in writing the article is not to sell the product, but to initiate interest and to discuss the benefits that could be realized from use of the product. You do not want to give everything away in the body of the article, let the sales page that you will hopefully lead your reader to do the selling. Your opening paragraph should introduce the reader to your product, and your concluding paragraph summarizes the main points of what you wrote your article about. Thus through promoting you will ultimately lead internet consumers to your landing page.
The final step to writing your article is constructing the resource box. Use this as a format for a mini sales pitch. Further entice the reader to visit your landing page by means of a call to action phrase and use your affiliate link to further the sale.
The possibilities are endless for subject matter of your articles, just be sure that your topics are relevant to the subject of your landing page. A landing page could be your personal web site or you can create a relevant lens on Squidoo.
Article writing is only one example of how internet marketing works and using the methods of a bum marketer are challenging. However, if you are willing to commit to the methods you will realize that this challenge is worth your time.
Education is crucial toward understanding how internet marketing works. We all need to go through some form of training and guidance to be successful. If you want to make money on the internet, the best place to start is by learning from the experts. Enroll today in a training program that provides the right resources and allows you to learn current internet marketing skills. The WEALTHY AFFILIATE is the program to join - they have helped literally tens of thousands of struggling marketers. Their success rate can be attributed to the fact that everything you will need to become highly successful is provided for you at this site. Joining today will change your life - I promise.
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How Internet Marketing Works
Internet Marketing
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